Microsoft puts AI helper in games and there it searches your inventory for crafting tips


In future, the Windows manufacturer wants to deeply embed its AI in its own games. A Minecraft video gives a first taste

There’s news about AIs in video games. And no, we’re not talking about some soldiers in Call of Duty taking aim at you or NPCs in Gothic 3 being able to march smoothly across a bridge.

Rather, we are talking about the introduction of highly complex AI processes that are intended to make your gaming experience more realistic or enrich it in other ways. For example, we previously reported on an AI mod for Skyrim that usesChatGPT for the most lifelike dialogs

Microsoft also has a very powerful technology in its repertoire withCopilotandthis AI is to be implemented in Xbox and PC games in the near future

AI support for more convenience

At the BUILD 2024 trade fair currently taking place, Microsoft is using Minecraft to demonstrate how AIs will change our gaming experience in the future. In response to the questionHow do I make a heavythe AI starts by searching the inventory and then offering assistance.

Which buttons do I need to press? Which materials do I need? The co-pilot will chat with us in future and provide help and advice, as this video shows:

Other applications

It remains unclear what role Microsoft’s Copilot could play in other titles from the manufacturer. But there are many ideas: InForza Motorsportthe AI could help us work out the optimum setup for our racing car. InMicrosoft Flight Simulatorwe would have a – attention, shallow joke – a perfect co-pilot in our cockpit.

And inSea of Thieves? The AI could sing us some great shanties on the high seas while the salty spray wets our faces. Oh, it almost makes you go into raptures …

And what about data protection?Microsoft itself emphasizes that Copilot always runs locally on the computer. But that alone doesn’t say much, as the AI still has to connect to the Internet in order to answer our questions or at least find the lyrics for shanties. So it remains to be seen whether Microsoft will also face legal hurdles here.