The developers of No Man’s Sky announce new open-world game of gigantic proportions


Hello Games wants to set new standards again and is working on an open world as big as the Earth with Light No Fire

From Hello Games, the creators of No Man’s Sky, comes a new, ambitious project called Light No Fire. Studio boss Sean Murray presented the trailer for their latest game at the Game Awards 2023 and is once again making big promises: Light No Fire is set to redefine the boundaries of open-world games.

This is what Light No Fire should be able to offer

Light No Fire, which has been in development for around five years, invites you into an expansive, procedurally generated world that is modeled on the landscapes of Earth in its size and diversity. In contrast to No Man’s Sky, which takes players through billions of planets, Light No Fire focuses on a single, but very detailed planet.

Visually, Light No Fire is immediately reminiscent of the colorful worlds of No Man’s Sky, but the world evokes more of a fantasy than a sci-fi feeling. In the first trailer, we see adventurers equipped with thick armor and melee weapons exploring the gigantic game world while riding dragons.

But take a look for yourself:

On the game’s (Steam store page) first, vague hints about the gameplay can be found: You can explore the world alone or together, construct buildings and go on adventures, plus there will be survival mechanics.

Exploring the varied game world, from towering mountains (which Murray says can be taller than Mt. Everest) to valleys and oceans, can be done on foot or with the help of vehicles, ships and mounts. Light No Fire also seems to place more emphasis on social interaction and playing together than flying alone through space as in No Man’s Sky.

However, it remains to be seen whether Hello Games can deliver on their big promises, especially given the controversial history of their last game. If the British can live up to the high expectations this time, Light No Fire could indeed usher in a new era for open-world games.

Now it’s your turn: What do you think about Light No Fire? Do you think it could revolutionize the open-world genre? Or have you lost faith in Sean Murray and Hello Games after the many broken promises of No Man’s Sky? Feel free to post your thoughts and expectations in the comments section!