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Call of Duty – Weapon scatter (Bloom) completely removed from Warzone?

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YouTuber TheXclusiveAce claims to have found that the controversial Bloom effect on Vanguard weapons has been completely removed from Call of Duty: Warzone.

Call of Duty: Warzone may be rid of a frustrating game mechanic sooner than expected: As YouTuber TheXclusiveAce claims to have found out, the so-called “Bloom” has been completely removed from the game. The scatter effect for projectiles used to make it difficult for players to hit targets.

Bloom ensures that the projectiles do not always land where the players aim. Instead, the bullets scatter around the crosshairs. This effect can also be observed with real weapons. In games like Battlefield or Counter-Strike, Bloom is a standard feature. In Call of Duty, however, it was not present until the release of Vanguard.

Already on 10 December, developer Raven Software announced in the patch notes for Warzone that they had “drastically reduced” the Bloom on Vanguard weapons. The announcement said that the effect would be completely removed from Vanguard weapons “in the future”. However, the studio did not give a date for when this process would be completed.

Content creator TheXclusiveAce now reports in a new video that the Bloom has already been completely removed from the game. For this purpose, he presents the dispersion pattern of a shot salvo with the AS 44, in each case before and after the patch of 15 December. From this it can be seen that there is hardly any scattering of the projectiles left. However, the extent to which this test result can be transferred to other Vanguard weapons in Warzone is not explained. Developer Raven Software has not yet confirmed that Bloom has been completely removed from Warzone.


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