Like Aliens as a board game: crowdfunding campaign launches and immediately pulverizes the target


The popular board game series Nemsis is soon to get a sequel and is currently receiving several million in funding

1 minute and 46 seconds. That’s how long it took for (the crowdfunding campaign for Nemesis: Retaliation) to reach its goal. That was four days ago. In the meantime, so much money has been invested by interested parties, that the project has reached 9,000 percent of its original target

In total, Nemesis: Retaliation has already raised a whole 4.5 million dollars via the Gamefound crowdfunding platform. The original target was 50,000 dollars. The fans instantly blew up the target. A total of 19,830 supporters have already invested in the project, with the campaign still running for another 17 days.

However, this huge rush is not really a big surprise and was most likely even calculated. After all, the two previous versions on Kickstarter each raised several million dollars.

What kind of game is Nemesis: Retaliation?

But its success is no accident either. Over the past five years, Nemesis has blossomed into a popular board game that has garnered a lot of praise, primarily due to its immersive presentation of the story and the exciting mix of cooperation and social deduction 

In essence, the first installment was already a board game adaptation of the Alien series, only without being allowed to call the voracious monsters Xenomorphs. Players have to flee from a spaceship that is being overrun by ever-expanding aliens

However, everyone is also pursuing their own personal goals, which are usually much more selfish and actively harm the rest of the team. Whether all or just individual players win can therefore vary from round to round

What’s new and what are the stretch goals?

Retaliation is the third part of the Nemesis series and basically continues the story. While in the two predecessors you were surprised by the monsters as a crew on a ship or underground, in Retaliation you take on the role of a trained marine squad.

You are therefore much better prepared for danger and will be able to defend yourself more effectively. This also means that you can choose which equipment your character starts the game with before a mission. There will also be various other new game mechanics that break up the tried-and-tested Nemesis principle somewhat

So far, despite the high income, only two stretch goals have been reached, a new boss monster and an additional character. However, this is only due to the fact that new goals are only revealed from day to day during the campaign. There will be a total of five additional unlockable stretch goals

To take part in the crowdfunding, you have to buy one of four versions, which offer different benefits and of course cost more each:

  • Standard Edition: 65 dollars
  • Special Edition: 109 dollars
  • Collectors Edition: 189 dollars
  • Nemesis Trilogy: 345 dollars

Did you already know Nemesis and are you looking forward to the new part? Or have you just heard about it for the first time? Are you planning to support the project or would you rather wait and see? Let us know in the comments below: