Fallout 2 in 3D: Fans make a role-playing dream come true, now there’s a new trailer


A team of modders wants to recreate the isometric role-playing game in the Fallout 4 engine. A new trailer is now causing amazement among many fans

Fallout 2 was released in September 1998, more than 25 years ago. Of course, you can see the age of the role-playing game today, but a fan remake wants to change that. Under the name Project Arroyo, modders are working on transferring Fallout 2 to the much more modern Fallout 4 engine. A new trailer now shows what the world will look like

Back to Arroyo

In the new video, the developers of the Fallout project show above all how the locations from Fallout 2 look in the new 3D graphics. Take a look for yourself:

At the very beginning, we take a look at the temple in Arroyo, which we explore at the start of the game. Later in the video, the developers also show its interior. Radioactively contaminated caves, settlements and more can also be seen, and there is also a bit of action.

The graphics quality of Fallout 4 was already not one of the role-playing game’s greatest strengths when it was released in 2015. But you can compare how big the difference is to the original Fallout graphics using these screenshots:

Of course, the fan remake changes much more than just the visuals: Instead of turn-based battles, there are now real-time battles. In addition, content that was planned for the original but was then removed will also find its way into the remake. The soundtrack and dialog will also be completely re-recorded, but this is also due to legal restrictions.

You can find out more about Project Arroyo on the Twitter channel and the official Discord server of the project. When a release of the remake can be expected is not yet foreseeable.

 Even if Fallout 5 and Project Arroyo are still a long way off, fans of the radioactive post-apocalypse don’t have to go hungry. Not only will Amazon’s Fallout series be released in April, but also a new fan-developed spin-off of the series set in a destroyed London.