(Because dwarves are just cooler) two cult developers start a small Steam revolution


There are now two new categories on Steam, thanks to two iconic game developers

The dwarves have risen – not in the mountains, but on Steam! The developers behind the cult games Dwarf Fortress and Deep Rock Galactic have called for a Dwarf Revolution to create a special Steam Day: Dwarf Day.

Their goal: A separate category for all games with dwarves, because they are simply cooler The battle with Steam has come to a head in recent days, but has been won thanks to the support of dwarf fans

Dwarves demand more rights on Steam

The uproar began when studio Ghost Ship Games and publisher Kitfox Games, both known for their deep ties to the dwarven universe, asked Steam for an official day for dwarven games. Steam’s response? A diplomatic “no”, followed by a challenge: the tag could become a reality if enough users actively use it

However, the duo behind the games could not be discouraged: They called on fans to manually add the dwarf tag to every dwarf game on Steam:

Our friends at Steam say that Dwarf is “not a tag” – much like Elf, Centaur, Wizard, etc. are not tags. That’s totally legit and fair, but the difference is that dwarves are cooler and have a much larger fanbase than the other mystical creatures.

But in the spirit of dwarves, we’ll take this as a win because it’s up to us to show Steam that we want the tag. Next time you see a dwarven game on Steam, add the tag manually. Over time, Steam will see that we take the value that a dwarf tag would have for the platform very seriously. Remember that dwarves that stand together are slightly larger than before.

Steam trolls the dwarf fans

Shortly after thousands of fans started tagging every game that featured dwarves with the dwarf tag, Valve took action – and made Elf the official Steam tag.

Kitfox Games, the publisher behind Dwarf Fortress, naturally reacted shocked – but Steam immediately apologized for merely pressing the wrong button:

The end of the story: From now on you can use the official Steam tag to find all games in which dwarves play a role! The small campaign may seem a little silly at first glance, of course, but the dedication and commitment of developers and fans have made the whole thing a heart-warming spectacle.

Finally, we still have to answer the following question: Which of the most popular fantasy races is really the coolest?

  • The graceful elves, who often appear as powerful mages and skillful archers?
  • The small but sturdy dwarves, known for their blacksmithing skills and their love of gold and gemstones?
  • The warlike Orcs, who shine with their brute strength?
  • Humans, who are often portrayed as true all-rounders?
  • The peace-loving hobbits or halflings, who can be surprisingly resilient?

Or perhaps something completely different, such as centaurs, undead or dragons? Let us know in the comments section