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Monday, June 17, 2024

Astro Bot: Is a new game coming soon?

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Team Asobi from Sony is hinting that a new Astro Bot game could be in development. This hint comes after months of speculation and rumors about a possible new game in the popular Astro Bot series. Last week, well-knownleaker billbil-kunpicked up on these rumors and hinted at an imminent announcement, possibly at a PlayStation showcase.

Team Asobi itself fueled the speculation with a teaser on X. The post reads: “Honey, I’m Home!”. This statement is interpreted as a reference to a new game. It seems as if the cuddly Astro Bots could be returning soon.

It was previously speculated that the upcoming Astro Bot game could be the biggest in the series. Although it is unlikely to reach the size of blockbusters such as God of War or Spider-Man, the series has a loyal fan base. They would certainly be delighted with a new game

Information about a PlayStation Showcase

The rumors about a new Astro Bot game are strengthened by hints of an upcoming PlayStation eventJournalist Jeff Grubbmentioned that a PlayStation event could take place in May 2024. Whether this will be a PlayStation Showcase or a State of Play is still unclear. Journalist also confirmed similar rumors.

If there is indeed a PlayStation Showcase, the new Astro Bot game is expected to be announced this week. If not, the unveiling could take place during the Summer Game Fest, which takes place in around two weeks.

The new Astro Bot game could be released exclusively for the PS5, possibly without support for PS VR2. Gameplay details are still scarce, but there are hints that part of the game will take place in a desert environment. A new character, a robot-like Fennec, could also be introduced


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