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The best champions of MSI 2021 – Kai’Sa and Nautilus as a dream duo

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The best LoL pros in the world met in the Mid-Season Invitational 2021. Which champions were the most popular and successful among them in the current meta?

Shortly after the end of the MSI 2021, we take a look at the most popular champions and their winrates. On the bot lane, the duo of Kai’Sa and Nautilus stood out the most.

Orianna had a big impact on the mid-lane. While the wind-up doll was banned 26 times, she was the centre of attention 22 times and impressed with a win rate of 55 percent. Viktor was picked most often, but features an abysmal win rate of 28 per cent.

By far the most popular jungler in MSI 2021 was Udyr. With a pick and ban rate of 95 percent, he also had the highest overall presence.

The particularly mobile ADC Kai’Sa was the most popular pick for the bot lane. A win rate of 56 percent is definitely something to be proud of!

With his tankiness and lots of crowd control, Nautilus was the most popular support pick. His winrate in MSI is only 49 percent, but the Titan of Depths harmonised perfectly with Kai’Sa.

Gnar was picked most often by the pros at the MSI (41) and had a considerable influence on the matches – even if the win rate was 46 percent in the end. The most successful toplane champ was Lee Sin. The blind monk had 20 appearances, of which he won 16! 46 times Lee Sin was banned, which was also a clear sign of his strength.


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