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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Probably the most terrifying game at Summer Game Fest – Gameplay Trailer for Choo-Choo Charles

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In addition to updates on already known games and new announcements, one game in particular caused excitement mixed with horror among the audience. Choo-Choo Charles is probably the most nightmarish game at this year’s Summer Game Fest.

This is Choo-Choo Charles – Horror on Rails

A mixture of Slender Man, Hunt Showdown and Thomas the Locomotive, that’s about how developer Two Star Games must have described his idea. For the core element of the horror-survival game is to flee from a terrifying, spider-like train and actively fight it to avoid becoming its next meal. Charles, as the creature is called, terrorises your village and is always hungry, resistant to just about anything you throw at him and pursues you mercilessly.

Announced for the PC, you can already add Choo-Choo Charles to your wish list on Steam. A release is still planned for this year, but as with many smaller games, the timeframe may be delayed again. However, this gives us enough time to prepare for the gruesome spectacle, because it’s already clear from the gameplay trailer that this won’t be for the faint-hearted. Shock effects, jump scares, a dark atmosphere and constant pressure to prepare for the next encounter with Charles.

However, we are fortunately not completely helpless, but can control our own train, station various weapons on it and, above all, transport important supplies to our base on rails. Of course, this also allows us to improve our steam vehicle more and more over time. Thus, bit by bit, our train transforms itself into a death machine with which we can eventually take on Charles, or at least better escape. Until then, however, we have to be quick and careful, because Charles’ horror could be waiting around every bend.


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