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The Lord of the Rings Online: Soon, free content doubles in one fell swoop

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The new update of LOTRO gives you hundreds of hours of free content that you had to pay for before. We have the overview for you.

Exciting news for LOTRO fans and newcomers! With the new update, numerous contents of the Free2Play MMORPG will become free of charge in one fell swoop, for which you previously had to pull out your wallet individually or take out a subscription. We’ll tell you what you’ll soon be able to get for free.

Hundreds of hours of free content

Just in time for the 15th anniversary of The Lord of the Rings Online, you can expect the big update 33 at the end of April 2022. In one fell swoop, this will make numerous contents available to everyone for free. This includes all quests, areas and expansions that have appeared since the original release in 2007 up to the release of the Helm’s Deep add-on.

  • The Shadows of Angmar (main game)
  • The Mines of Moria (expansion)
  • The Siege of Bleakwood (expansion)
  • The Rise of Isengard (extension)
  • The Horsemen of Rohan (expansion)
  • Helm’s Deep (extension)
  • The High Elves as a playable nation
  • Beorninger, Rune-keeper and Guardian as a playable class

Taken together, that’s hundreds of hours of content you can now enjoy completely free. However, the Mordor, Minas Morgul, War of the Three Peaks and Fate of Gundabad expansions are still available for a fee or subscription.

There’s more

There’s more in the update 33 blogpost for the MMORPG fan favourite:

  • Yondershire: A new area in the north of the map, characterised by moors and swamps, which serves as home to many Hobbit settlers. This is the first Shire update in years.
  • Anniversary Festival: In “A Flurry of Fireworks” you will help plan a huge fireworks display. More information will follow on the 15th anniversary of the festival.
    • VIP change: Players with VIP status will receive the expansions Mordor, Minas Morgul and War of the Three Peaks with the update

    When Update 33 launches at the end of April, it will be an exciting new entry point for those who want to give The Lord of the Rings Online a chance, or who want to get back into it after a long break

    (The Lord of the Rings Online: Why it’s worth playing in 2021 more than ever)

Age: 31 Origin: Sweden Hobbies: gaming, football, skiing Profession: Online editor, entertainer


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