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Tuesday, May 21, 2024

That was fast! Warzone developers revise relevant price change after just one day

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“What do I care about my yesterday’s talk […]” Konrad Adenauer once said – Raven Software probably thought the same and is taking a change back out of the game.

Roll backwards was the word recently from the developers of Warzone as they took back a change that had been in the game for less than 24 hours.

Trial rabbit Warzone players:inside

The developers of Warzone have reversed the drone price increase in Vanguard-Royale after just one day. In an update, they explained that this was part of a “short-term experimentation process”.

The drone purchasable in Buy Station has been through quite a bit. After Pacific made its way into Warzone, its price was raised to $6,000, then briefly to $12,000 in December, then to $9,000 and now $6,000 again. So we’ve gone around in circles once and we’re back to where we were three months ago.

Mood barometer

In order to provide players with a fun and consistent long-term experience, it is sometimes necessary to experiment in the short term, the developers said. The one-day price increase was therefore simply a way to gauge the mood within the community.

We can expect changes to be introduced to Warzone at short notice in the future following this statement. Adjustments to ground loot, prices and the amount of money that can be looted are therefore under permanent observation by the developers.

By the way, Adenauer’s quote goes even further: “What do I care about my yesterday’s talk. No one can prevent me from becoming wiser.” Let’s hope that the last part of the quote applies to the developers.

Age: 24 Origin: Germany Hobbies: gaming, football, table tennis Profession: Online editor, student


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