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星期四, 2 5 月, 2024

Genshin Impact confirms Phase 2 re-release banners for 4.2

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Genshin Impact reveals several re-release banners that will be available in the second phase of version 4.2 later this month.


Genshin Impact has revealed a limited time event for the second phase of version 4.2, during which commuters will have the opportunity to download re-release banners including Kamisato Ayato and Cyno. Version 4.2 of Genshin Impact is in full swing, with players enjoying a variety of content ranging from Archon quests and events to characters. The Fontaine region takes them to brand new explorable locations – the Erinish Forest and the sealed ruined tower, which have their own unique environmental designs. In addition to expanding the maps, version 4.2 offers travelers a certain amount of primogems that turn into wishes.

The good news is that the second part of Genshin Impact version 4.2 will bring more content, including a handful of replay banners that can be used to improve team composition and obtain constellations. Players will unlock new weapons to level up their characters, and participate in events to receive lucrative rewards. According to the schedule, version 4.2 will run until mid-December.

Genshin Impact has confirmed that players will have a better chance to download some event-exclusive characters, including Cyno, Kirara, Shinobu, Xiangling, and Kamisato Ayato. These replay banners will be available through event wishes, which will take place between November 28 and December 20. It is essential to note that none of these will arrive in the standard Genshin Impact Wanderlust Invocation banner. Version 4.2 will also feature weapons exclusive to the event, including the five-star Scarlet Sands Polar Scepter.

Four-star weapon drop rates: will be increased by December 20. In addition to the new weapons and re-flags, version 4.2 of Genshin Impact will add a unique event that requires players to command Lil’ Fungi and defeat all enemies to earn primogems and materials to level up. One thing to note is that travelers must be above adventure rank 20 and complete the “Dragon’s Song and Freedom” quest to participate in the event.

Among all the flags, Genshin Impact’s Sino and Kamisato Ayato take center stage as five-star characters who can fit into many teams. Cyno is a power fielder who can fill the role of DPS on the field thanks to his aggressive kit. She unleashes her true potential in team compositions that include characters with cooldown and shield abilities. Ayato, on the other hand, is a Hydro-Sword user who is best suited for sub-DPS and support roles. In addition to offensive status and powerful constellations, he has a unique elemental blast that can kill multiple enemies on the field.


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