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星期四, 2 5 月, 2024

Zenless Zone Zero teaser for new character Anby

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Zenless Zone Zero teased a new character featured in the game’s latest closed beta, the mysterious Anby from Cunning Hares.

The new trailer for HoYoverse’s upcoming action RPG Zenless Zone Zero teases new character Anby, a member of the game’s “Cunning Hares” group. The latest RPG from developer Genshin Impact has caused a lot of excitement among fans of the studio in recent months with a slew of new trailers. HoYoverse has already shown off playable character Billy in several videos, and recently announced the launch of the second closed beta test for the studio’s new game Genshin Impact. Now HoYoverse is showing off another member of the main cast of the upcoming RPG.

Previous trailers have already teased several members of Zenless Zone Zero’s cast, giving insight into their unique personalities. Anbi’s teammates within the Cunning Rabbits have been teased before, introducing players to cyborg cowboy Billy the Kid and cunning group leader Nicole. Other characters such as the wolf-servant Lycaon and OBOLS squad member Soldier 11 were also shown in early promotional materials for the game. Now HoYoverse gives fans the first look at the mysterious Anby.

The new trailer from Zenless Zone Zero, titled “Here’s What You Missed,” shows off the stoic Anby while giving a glimpse into the personalities of her squadmates. Anby is shown as a quiet and reserved character, while Nicole does much of the work of the Cunning Rabbits. However, Anby is said to be extremely skilled in combat, being able to enter the mysterious and dangerous regions of the Zen-Zero Zone without having trouble dealing with her waiting foes. The trailer showcases Anbi’s calm and reserved demeanor through her story of stealing an important safe from the Red Branch Gang.

While the teaser trailer doesn’t show any of Anby’s gameplay, it does give some important hints about how she will play in Zenless Zone Zero. At the end of the trailer, Anby is seen holding a sword, suggesting that she will act as a melee character focused on dealing damage. The trailers and official information also tease about Anby’s relationship with Nicole, who shares a last name with Nicole, who is said to have originally brought Anby into The Cunning Little Rabbits.

The litany of trailers for Zenless Zone Zero looks to follow an eventful and successful year for developer HoYoverse. In 2023, Genshin Impact has continued to enjoy impressive character releases, with the hydroarchon Furina recently ranking as the third best-selling gacha banner in the RPG. The April release of Honkai: Star Rail has also enjoyed immense popularity since its debut, achieving staggering player counts and similar success to pants banners like Genshin Impact. Zenless Zone Zero will look to add another highly anticipated title to the HoYoverse’s growing library.


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