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星期一, 29 4 月, 2024

Valorant – The first leaks on the new duelist Iso!

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The first leaks on the new Valorant agent have surfaced. His name is Iso and he adds another duelist to the team

The first teasers for Valorant Agent number 24 were released some time ago, which of course left a lot of room for speculation. Now there is more information about the upcoming agent in the Valorant universe.

Iso – another duelist joins the team!

The first information about the new agent has been published by the well-known leaker “KLaboratories” on Twitter. In addition, other leaks have revealed his role and name to us!

Iso will be part of Episode 7 Act 3, finally bringing us a new duelist after two years since the release of Neon.

Some in-game hints already refer to Iso’s strong abilities. He is said to never miss his target, according to agents like Neon, leaving open speculation as to whether he will have auto-target recognition abilities, making Aim redundant.

He will definitely cause a dent in Valorant’s current meta.

However, as in the past, Riot has released agents that are too strong, only to nerf them as the episodes progress. To what extent this will apply to Iso remains to be seen.

Because the exact abilities of the valorant agent are not yet known. This is still open and will probably be published by Riot in the near future.



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