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星期五, 10 5 月, 2024

Deliver Us Mars Trailer is Counting Down to Game’s Release Date

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Keoken Interactive’s Deliver Us Mars, the sequel to Deliver Us the Moon, gets a new trailer in the leadup to the game’s upcoming launch.

Deliver Us Mars, the next game from developers Keoken Interactive, has gotten a new trailer in the run-up to the game’s forthcoming launch. Published by Frontier Foundry, the publishing label of Frontier Developments, the game is releasing in the first half of this year after being delayed from a fall 2022 release.

Deliver Us Mars is the sequel to Deliver Us the Moon, a sci-fi thriller adventure game that was first released for PC in 2018 under the name Deliver Us the Moon: Fortuna. It got a re-release the following year simply titled Deliver Us the Moon, which was then ported to PS4 and Xbox One as well as a next-gen version for the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. It followed the journey of an astronaut sent to the Moon to find a way to save humanity from a doomed future. Deliver Us Mars features a similar premise, now taking place a decade later with astronauts responding to a distress call from Mars.

Originally set to release on September 27, 2022, Deliver Us Mars was delayed to February 2, 2023. Just under a month before release, the game has gotten a new trailer titled “Countdown to Launch,” giving players a look at protagonist Kathy Johanson and her crewmates for the trek to Mars as well as some teases on what peril awaits them. There are also small inklings that hint at what Johanson’s motivations are for being part of the journey. The trailer ends with a release date and list of platforms which includes PC and both current-gen and previous-gen PlayStation and Xbox consoles.

Deliver Us Mars is one of many games that are next in line to release across two generations of consoles though it will not be released for Nintendo Switch. Deliver Us the Moon had its Switch port canceled very soon after it was announced, so it can be inferred that the developers would rather take advantage of more powerful hardware as well as implement features like ray tracing, even if it means missing out on potential sales from Nintendo fans.

Some prominent sci-fi games in recent years have followed a more explorative gameplay loop rather than focusing on action and combat. Perhaps the most prominent example of this would be the space exploration game Outer Wilds, a highly successful indie game that experienced strong success across multiple platforms. Outer Wilds affirmed that there is a strong market for well-crafted science fiction games not built around combat, and Deliver Us the Moon followed in this path by focusing on puzzle-solving and narrative building. Deliver Us Mars will carry the torch for this game style with a new setting and story, and fans won’t have to wait much longer to see what is in store for them on the Red Planet.

Deliver Us Mars releases on February 2, 2023, for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.



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