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星期五, 26 4 月, 2024

Fortnite’s Latest Update Has Files for a First-Person Mode

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A dataminer discovers files for a first-person mode in Fortnite, revealing a potentially-upcoming new mode for Epic Games’ title.

A dataminer has revealed that Fortnite may be receiving a first-person mode in the near future. The news comes after Fortnite received a new update across all platforms, revealing the possible new mode.

Fortnite was initially released in 2017 and continues to go from strength to strength. Its online presence is enormous, with Fortnite cited as a reason for YouTube Gaming’s strong performance in 2022. In-game though, Epic Games continues to keep the game relevant with constant updates and new content. The December 2022 launch of Chapter Four of Fortnite brought a host of fresh changes to the game, most notably a brand-new map for players to explore and a move onto Unreal Engine 5, improving the graphics massively.

The news of a possible first-person mode comes from dataminer Shiina, who posted a screenshot on Twitter. The files for the first-person mode were apparently added with the new update, which was then quickly revealed by Shiina. It’s currently unclear if first-person would be restricted to the Battle Royale mode, or if players would be able to use it in the Creative mode too. Much is unclear about the update, as the files added may just be for testing rather than teasing a future feature. However, this isn’t the first players are hearing of a potential first-person mode in Fortnite, with it first rumored in June 2022.

Fortnite is no stranger to adding new modes to the game. Last year, Epic Games added the No Build mode to Fortnite, which is now as popular as the Build mode which made the game so huge originally. However, a move to a first-person perspective would be brand-new territory for Fortnite. While first-person would surely be optional, the switch in view would be a surprise decision. Much of Fortnite’s business model is built upon selling cosmetic skins to players. It would be much harder to do that if players are unable to see themselves in-game.

While Epic Games continues to improve the gameplay of Fortnite, the game continues to be recognized for its incredible selection of cosmetics. There’s an enormous range of IPs having a collection of Fortnite skins for players to use in-game. The most recent Fortnite crossover is Dragon Ball Super, allowing players to play as Vegeta from the popular anime. These skins help Fortnite stay relevant in the mainstream, and as long as Epic Games continue getting the biggest names on board, the skins will keep selling.

Fortnite is available for mobile, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.


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