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星期一, 20 5 月, 2024

Jaw-Dropping STALKER 2 Trailer Shows Impressive Graphics, Intense FPS Gameplay

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A new trailer for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl offers an intense look at the highly anticipated open-world title’s gameplay.

The latest trailer for STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl offers an intense introduction to the open-world survival horror title’s gameplay. The creation of STALKER 2 has been an incredible challenge. Developer GSC Game World was based in Ukraine at the onset of Russia’s 2022 invasion. Though development has since shifted to Prague, Czech Republic, GSC Game World has faced indescribable difficulties. To see STALKER 2 come together, even in a brief gameplay trailer, is inspiring.

STALKER 2 is a game over 12 years in the making. The original STALKER was released in 2007 and grew into a cult classic, leading to the follow-up release of both a STALKER prequel and a sequel in 2008 and 2009 respectively. GSC Game World has been reformed in the years since, and STALKER 2 resurrected as well. Delays have followed, not just due to the war in Ukraine, given the scope of the project. Yet STALKER 2 is closer yet to its planned 2023 release.

In the new trailer for STALKER 2, fans get their most in-depth look at the sequel yet. Footage includes a mixture of in-engine cinematic sequences and intense gunplay. Players face off against opposing soldiers, dogs, and also strange creatures which STALKER players will recall are named Bloodsuckers. These monsters, with tentacles hanging from their mouths, briefly turn invisible as they move. Luckily, their heavy breathing gives away their location.

What perhaps stands out the most from the trailer is the incredible work GSC Game World has done with STALKER 2’s graphics. Environments are lush with fauna and feature incredibly rich detail. The lighting especially stands out in the STALKER 2 trailer, with sunlight glowing behind clouds, reflected off water, and beaming through trees. The supernatural Noosphere elements, including floating debris and lightning effects, also look incredible.

Less of a focus in the trailer but still significant is the diversity shown in STALKER 2’s environments. STALKER 2 is an open-world game with a non-linear story. Players will be able to explore as they please, taking on challenges whether they’re prepared for them or not. In that regard, this trailer is only a tease of what awaits players in Chornobyl.

Everything that GSC Game World has gone through, and what it continues to go through, while Ukraine fights on is difficult for anyone to grasp. That STALKER 2’s development continues, and that it looks as impressive as it does, is laudable. As the trailer makes clear, STALKER 2 isn’t necessarily directly about the war in Ukraine. But it will be a tribute to Ukraine’s efforts, regardless. And there’s no better way for GSC Game World to do that than to deliver a great game.

STALKER 2 releases in 2023 on PC and Xbox Series X/S.



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